Friday, November 28, 2008

Mumbai - Terrorism, Politics, Pakistan & Thackrey!

More than 50 hrs since the fight against terrorism is on in Mumbai - 150+ killed, 350+ injured...

All this while our Politicians are busy making strategies and playing games - Manmohan Singh & Advani couldnt even meet and come together in Mumbai, Modi comes up with a dramatic politic behavior..yet again. No message/strategy on how to stregthen our security! The state of the country is horrible!

Imagine a constable with a "stick" or a "1970 gun - which would take some 10 mins to load a bullet and fire" fight against the terrorism. Thats the state of a country which is investing heavily in building a nuclear bomb which they cant use all their lives. Look at the police in UK/US and compare them with what we have - can they fight against terrorism. Why cant our respected PMs come up and announce a 100 cr investment on making every policeman a commando. They would never - it would make more sense to these corrupt and foolish and selfish politicians to take home that 1 cr and sit in those lavish 7 stars (luckily the MP came out safe - god bless)

There are so many proofs of Pakistan being involved in the attacks - What happened after 9/11 - Bush & US went after Iraq/Afghanistan/Iran and whereever they could and didnt allow another 9/11 to happen. Our respected politicians will sleep and relax and watch TV commentary on how the attacks are being done but not go out and kill the root. They wont! Wake up before its too late.

And, wheres Mr Bal Thackrey - the uncrowned king of Mumbai! He will come out on streets only on valentines day! I just saw this message on NDTV and was so apt - "Where's Bal Thackrey - Tell him that its the 200 NSG from Delhi - incld North & South and not Marathis and its these guys who are fighting and risking their lives so that you can sleep peacefully in your 5 star room" Well said...

I am just hoping & praying that some sense prevails or else it will happen again and again and again....till India dies!


Sirisha said...

well said. I think these politicians r a chronical disease to our economy which v r unable to get rid of.. I see that as the root cause of our problem. Its neither terrorism nor poverty nor illiteracy. The day this changes we are all in for a better India. Otherwise India would still remain 'shining' in the political agendas and a developing country in the text books for generations to come..huh.. anguish !!

Anonymous said...

I would like to say that in the land of political eunuchs no man is safe to live a free and fearless life. I am a believer in an eye for an eye even if it makes the whole world blind. Killing of innocent civilians has been so often in the recent past that we have almot grown numb to the fact that these are real living breathing individuals that once had a life to live, duties to adddress , families to attend to. We as INDIANS have almost rid ourselves of any emotional connection to the value of life itself. Just ask yourself what would have happened if 100 Americans or 100 british people had died, It would have gone down as perhaps one of the most gruesome attack on democracy itself. But now that this outrageous even has happened in INDIA we as INDIAN would probably like to cry for a month or two if any of our loved ones has died, but would hardly care if none of whom died has or ever had any kind of relationship to us directly or otherwise.
Do you see what i mean to say, its not the terrorism that i am afraid of but the apathy that surrounds us in the midst of it. I believe that INDIA as a nation need to wake up now, rather than later and realize that it probably is too late...